City Pledge
Members Directory
Nottingham Unity Portal is for charities and socially-minded organisations seeking to harness the power of collaboration. Sign up, connect and share expertise and services. This platform is a curated space where leaders can work together to find better outcomes that serve the vulnerable within the Nottingham Community.
As leaders register their details with NUP, we simultaneously build a shared database making it easer to work in partnership to thrive through current hardships.
Sharing our learning
Working with each other in mind
Building trust between organisations and leaders
Partnering together on joint projects
Organising our resources to be used effectively, thereby reducing duplication
With diminishing resources, a collaborative approach is essential to serving our community. Connecting the social fabric to encourage communities to access the resources within the rich community that already exists, to improve the lives of people in Nottingham.
We do this by being intentionally collaborative, radically generous with ideas, sharing resources in order to increase efficiency to share knowledge with a specific focus on area or sectors.